We are a health-centered, prevention-oriented, personalized dental practice. Our philosophy is to treat every patient as an individual human being with dignity and respect. We believe in building mutually beneficial relationships with our patients based on trust. By having this relationship, we hope to empower our patients with the knowledge and education to keep their teeth for a lifetime. Comprehensive Dental Care At Crestwood Comprehensive Dental, we have extensive experience in all aspects of modern dentistry. Our basic philosophy is to use the longest lasting materials that preserve the most natural tooth structure. Comprehensive dentistry begins with the end result in mind. Preventive Care for the Entire Family At Crestwood Comprehensive Dental, we practice dentistry for the whole family. From preventive education & regular hygiene to identifying & caring for dental issues that may arise, your continued oral health is our top priority. That’s why we believe in preventing dental problems before they become costly, painful, or both. When problems do arise, our skilled team is there to provide you with solutions. Restore Your Smile We offer state-of-the-art restorative care. We know that even when you do everything right, something can go wrong. If you are suffering from a dental problem, we are here to help. Modern technology combined with the in-depth experience of our clinical team can assure you of a successful & long-lasting result. Whether the cause is accident or disease, we can restore your smile. |
New Patients & Same–day Emergencies Welcome!
Office Hours Mon, Tues and Thurs: 8am-5pm Weds: 8am-7pm Fri and Sat: 8am-2pm Patient Education FAQ HIPPA Forms Email us to request a form.. |